My Experience in IT 465

concept computer learning and educationMy Learning Experience from IT 465

When I first started this class I had the belief that I knew everything there was to know about computers and other technologies, but I was so wrong. This class has given me the opportunity to explore and learn how to incorporate technology in my future classroom from communicating and given instruction to student projects and presentation. This class has also allowed me to reflect on the amount of technology the school I currently work for has incorporated into the curriculum. I was surprised to learn that many other schools did not have access to the technologies we have available.

My Weak and Strong Points

The best way I can describe my weak and strong points in the class is by describing the first and second half of the semesters. The first part of the semester was definitely my weak point. This class was one of the first online classes I have taken. I had a difficult time getting adjusted to this form of instruction. I had to get myself on a strict schedule, and the work load seemed very overwhelming. In contrast, the second half of the semester was the opposite. Once I was on a regular schedule, I was able to complete assignments with ease and in a timely manner. This is why I consider my second half of the semester my strong point.

Interaction with my Peers and Instructor

Like I have mentioned above, this was one of my first online classes to take. I had a lot of adjusting to do, and my peers, especially group members, and instructor were always more than willing to answer any questions I had. Anytime I needed help, there was always someone willing to help me out, without judgement or complaint. This help has gotten me through the semester. For example, during the last class chat we had, I had a question regarding my Assistive Technology project. Dr. Wang and another student gave me two alternatives to use to complete the project.

Communication Tools Used in IT 465

The communication tools used in this class includes e-mail, Blackboard Collaborate, announcements, discussion boards, and Blogfolio. The communication tool I used the most was e-mail. I feel like the advantage is the fact that all my peers and my instructor had and used e-mail accounts. The disadvantage is that you do not always get an immediate response. Another advantage is that you the messages were private, and only you and the others that were included in the e-mail could read the messages. This allowed for comfort when communicating with others.

My Blogfolio Experience

Blogfolio is a great place for individuals to share their thoughts with others. The aspect I like the most about Blogfolio was the personalization of it. There were many themes to choose from, and those themes could even be edited and personalized. Widgets could be selected or removed, and you could change anything you wanted with ease. The thing I disliked the most about Blogfolio was adding documents to a post. I feel that though the process to do so was orderly, it was a very tedious task. You had to click through multiple pages just to select a file and upload it. Overall, it was a very pleasing experience.


Assistive Technology

win7-high-contrast.pngI had no clue that there were features on the computer that could be activated to help students with visual, auditory, and motor disabilities. Schools are now inclusive based, which means that students with disabilities are integrated into the general education classroom. This is why it is important to know how to alter things in a way they can understand them.

This assignment has introduced me to many features on my computer that I was completely unaware of. I learned how to turn on the high contrast feature and the magnify feature for students with visual disabilities. I learned how to incorporate audio into presentations. I also learned how to make the screen flash or beep when certain buttons are pressed. For students with fine motor disabilities, I learned how to turn on the on screen keyboard. An extra feature that I learned was the print screen feature. If you hold the alt key and the print screen key, you can take a snapshot of what ever is pulled up on your computer.

This assignment was fairly simple. The only issue I encountered was not being able to make the webpage change to high contrast. Everything else would change, but the webpage itself. During my class meeting, a student informed me that it was because I was using Google Chrome and that I should use Firefox. I did, and it worked. Overall, I had a very pleasant experience completing this project. It was fairly simple and very informative. I will definitely incorporate what I have learned into my classroom, especially to help students with these disabilities.

Assistive Technology




TurnItIn Plagiarism Detection

unsw-turnitinThis assignment was very eye opening to how easy it is to detect plagiarism. The program tells you the percentage of the work is plagiarized, the type of resource the information came from, and the specific location of the copied work. It is amazing to me that it is that simple to detect plagiarism. This is not the first time I have submitted something to TurnItIn, but is the first time I actually have taken time to look at the report. I will definitely incorporate this into my class when dealing with writing assignments.

This assignment alone is a great idea, not only for me but also my future students. I think that I will use the assignment as a way to teach my students what exactly plagiarism is, how easy it is to detect it, and how to effectively paraphrase and summarize information found. Not only that, but if I select a topic for students to find an article or articles about, such as Dr. Wang has done for us, the students can find valuable information. This can also lead to a lesson on what an academic resource is and is not. By replicating this assignment, students will gain additional practice in using the computer/the internet (search engines, academic data bases, and etc.).

Again, I was amazed with TurnItIn. I knew that there were programs that can detect plagiarism, but this does so much more. It tells you the percentage of plagiarized work, what kind of source it came from, and the specific location of the information.

TurnItIn Version II


Technology in Special Education

Ganda_2K4_Deluxe_Rear_Wheel_Drive1.211102857Technology can be a valuable resource in special education by assessing students, helping teachers provide instruction, and also speed up productivity. Technology can assist students in many ways. Students who have motor movement disabilities can use electronic wheel chairs with a joystick that allows them to move around on their own. For students who are visually disabled, there are screen reader software they can use to get information that is located on a computer. For deaf students, FM amplification systems are used to assist them in hearing by having the teacher wear a wireless microphone that is transmitted to a receiver in the student’s ear. There are many other resources of technologies that are used to assist students with certain disabilities. In order to help teacher’s give instruction, many of the previously mentioned technologies are used to help the teachers give instruction to these students. Also, many progress monitoring programs that schools are moving toward provide lessons and practices for students. This is not limited to general education classes. These programs often have accessibility features for students with certain issues. They can often be completed on an iPad for students who do not have fine motor skills to click with a mouse but can tap on a screen. All of these things speed up productivity in special education classes as opposed to a special education class that does not have these technologies. Some issues preventing the use of technologies in special education classes includes the price it is to purchase assistance technologies. This includes funding from the school and individual families. Another factor is the limitation of trained personnel. There are many others, but I feel that these are the two many issues. Without money to receive these technologies and knowledge of how to work these technologies and what technologies are available, there is no way a school can incorporate them into their special education classrooms.


Integrating Technology into Specific Subject Areas

Technology Integrated in English/Language Arts

There is a large amount of technology resources that come in handy and encourage learning of English and Language Arts. Support for word fluency and vocabulary development can be done in three ways. There are practices for matching letters and sounds, matching words and their meaning, and engaging students in vocabulary development. The first two are pretty self explanatory. The programs and online resources that will give a person one thing to match to another (letter for sound or word to definition). Vocabulary learning can be done through electronic flashcards, online thesauruses, and many other ways. Websites each provide their own unique way for doing things. Support for comprehension and literacy development can also be promoted by using technology. Digital text, such as ebooks or interactive story discs or online, engage readers with interactive versions of stories. Most portable devices, such as NOOK, have talking word processors that will read a word or passage aloud. Students can follow along and become familiar with the words. Plus they will learn the word in a multiple of ways: hearing, seeing, and talking. Writing instruction is supported by technology as well. There are websites and resources that help students with the pre-writing process. Many word document programs provide outline and concept mapping, which are helpful in organizing information. Teachers can find model works of writing to show students what they expect and do not expect. Drafts can be done using word processors, and they make drafting so much easier. Most word processors have grammar and word check. Also, instead of editing and re-writing the work, a person can now edit the draft right then an there. They no longer have to replicate the work by re-writing it. Teachers can also provide feedback through comment capabilities on many word processors.

Technology Integrated in Foreign and Second Language Instruction

Call, computer-assisted language learning, is using computers in teaching and learning. Videoconferencing allows teachers to connect students learning a foreign language with an individual who is a native to the language they are learning. This give students authentic practice. Storybooks allow students to showcase what they have learned, and also allows teachers to individualize instruction. It also all students to learn a language authentically in a less stressful/demanding environment. Applications can be downloaded on handheld devices. Learning applications are available for students to learn or practice a foreign or second language. Translations websites and devices are great resource tools when students are practicing or learning a new language. Virtual Collaboration is also a great way to help students learn a new language. It is just like any other form of collaborating, except students test out a new language. Virtual field trips provide students with an opportunity to be placed in an authentic environment based off of the native place of the language. It allows the students to connect with the language. An individual an find an online resource or program to give them practice in a specific language skill or vocabulary. Finally, the Internet has an abundance of resources teachers can use to create and conduct a lesson for foreign of second language classes.

Technology Integrated into Mathematics and Science Instruction

Integrating technology into mathematics instruction addresses the standards for school mathematics. Virtual manipulatives work like real manipulatives used in a classroom to help bridge the gap between abstract and concrete ideas. The internet provides an abundance of virtual manipulatives; however, these manipulatives can be changed and edited to fit the lesson or theme the teacher wants. This can be done by using keyboards and other input devices. Graphing calculators help students solve mathematical problems and visually see a graph with out having to manually graph it. Students can explore working with graphs by manipulated equations and tables. Interactive/dynamic geometry software are programs that a person can use to create or manipulate geometric construction. Students can explore, like with a graphing calculator but on a 3D level, 3D shapes. Computer Algebra systems can solve complex calculations. It can be a software or a device with the software.  There are computers or calculators (often used in calculator-based laboratories) that allow for students to gather and analyze data. Finally, there are mathematical tutoring systems. Students can practice and explore basic math skills that are the foundation for higher math problems.

To address science standard, teachers have a numerous amount of technological resources that help teach and learn
science. Students can learn by getting involved in scientific inquiry through online projects. Students can get involved in active scientific investigations, which sparks their interest in science and gain their understanding of scientific concepts, online. They can ask new and novel questions, form a re-searchable hypotheses, collect and analyze data, communicate results, and gain feedback to interpret and refine results. There are numerous amount of online resources give students practice using the scientific process. These projects can be long term or short term, and teachers can choose a specific element to focus on. Students may also use the internet to find scientific issues and questions to research. They can also use tools, such as a microscope and other tools a person could find in a laboratory, to collect data. They can then visualize the data using technology. They could graph data, view images from a microscope, and view images from a telescope. They can analyze that data using Excel spreadsheets or other analyzing programs. Finally, they can write up the analyzed data, using a word document, and share it using technology in a number of ways. They can share in online or print it and distribute it. Students can even use online interactive games to practice science skills. Many games can be accessed online or through a disc. Science is usually thought of as a hands-on subject; however, there are lots of technological resources that can reinforce hands-on instruction given in the classroom.

Technology Integrated into Social Studies

Social studies often presents a problem or event someone or someones went or is going through. These issues can sometimes be complex and confusing. Simulations and virtual environments give students the opportunity to interact in events or with locations that can help students grasp some events. This makes the concept clearer for students to understand. Social studies is an abstract subject. PowerPoint and other presentation software allows teachers to show pictures and other images to help make the subject more concrete. Also, re-enactments can be video recorded and shared with the students. This allows for the concept to come alive. Virtual field trips are another great way technology can be integrated into social studies. Students can gain an understanding of cultures, events, and sights that our outside of their community, which broadens them culturally. Adventure Learning is almost the same thing as a virtual field trip except that a teacher can select a specific topic to focus on, and activities will be presented in conjunction of the virtual experience. Digital Storytelling can be used by students to present their understandings and findings on social studies topics. They can share these stories with other students, which allows those students to gain some knowledge of the topic as well. Students can use electronic research to research current and past events. Finally, there are numerous instructional resources teachers can find on the internet. Worksheets, PowerPoints, and activities can all be found on there. Technology has impacted not only social studies but also language arts, mathematics, science, and foreign language subjects in such a huge way.


Creating a Website

Creating a website can be intimidating, especially if a person has no technical like me. Google Sites makes creating a site super easy. A person literally selects a title, template (or blank one), and a theme. Then they just fill in the rest with the text, images, tables, and any other information they want to add. I had no clue creating a website could be easy. I was also very surprised at the fact that it was free. A person can customize a website for anything they wanted for free!

I can not wait to use this in my future classroom. I will be able to keep students and their parents up to date. I will be able to give them resources they will need. It will be a go-to place for any questions or concerns. This will eliminate confusion. I can also upload the worksheets used in class and for homework on the website so students can have it for extra practice or if they lose the sheet. It will also be a great way for me to share information with other teachers. Teachers or other personnel that I collaborate with can also use my site. I am so stoked that I have had an opportunity to create a website, and I can not wait to incorporate it into my future classroom.

Ms. Frost’s Class


Designing and Developing Web-Based Curriculum


Web-based curriculum is becoming more and more popular. Today, students of all ages can complete school online. There are online home-schooling programs and web-based higher learning programs. I attend the University of Southern Mississippi where I am completing an Elementary Education degree all online. Every class I have taken online has been different. The best ones included frequent check-ins with the teachers, online chats or web conferences, clear written (or typed) instruction and multiple wide-variety of tutorials and examples, and easy to navigate sites. There have been some courses where I have had a difficult time contacting my instructor, and nine times out of ten I was contacting him/her because I was confused on an assignment or where to find information. I have also discovered that the best online-courses I have taken often include a wide-variety of appropriate web-resources.

Web-based programs, such as the TAP program I am in at USM, are courses or curriculum that is completely online. The teacher teaches an entire course or topic online. These are conducted through web-based projects that are already created, or web-based programs that the educator or even the student can create. Before, in order to create a web-page, a person had to use program authoring languages and script tools; however, it is no longer necessary to create a site writing a code or script. The code can be created automatically with web development tools. Authoring tools include HTML, VRML, PHP and ASP.NET, Javascript (and other programming languages), ActionScript, and web development software. A person can download images, videos, and/or audio from the internet to use on their website, but beware of copyrights.

If a person wanted to develop a webpage, they can do so in two ways – using web development software or using a template-based development tool. No matter which way you use, a they will need three resources: Web development software, FTP software, and a server to house the website. Web development software programs are easier to use a template because it is faster and requires less technical skills; however, they could program the HTML codes on their own. FTP software either automatically uploads web pages to a server provide or will need to be manually transferred to a server in order to be viewed publicly. Every website will need a “home” server to reside. Some recommendations to consider when creating a website include limiting personal information for safety reasons, limiting large photos and graphics because they often load slowly, and purchasing a domain name that reflects the content of the website. Development sequence that is suggested are: Storyboarding and wireframing to map out and plan the function and content of each page, design the layout, develop the website, testing it out, and revise/maintain the website.


Web Tools To Use!

My experience using RubiStar, Easy TestMaker, and TrackStar was amazing!

RubiStar is so simple and easy to use. I love the fact that it already has generic grading sections to choose from. I alsorubistar_logo like the fact that you can add your own grading sections and change the point values and descriptions. This website makes it really convenient for teachers to make a generic rubric. Then, they have the capability to export it into an Excel file. This allows them to customize the headings, add graphics, and many more unique touches that they want to add. The use of this is obvious. Teachers can use this web tool to create generic rubrics and then customize them. They can share their generic rubric with other teachers, and then those teachers can edit or customize it to their liken. The easy to use features, along with Dr. Wang’s tutorials, allowed for me to complete this assignment without a problem.

I thoroughly enjoyed using TestMaker. It is, like RubiStar, easy and simple to navigate through. Teachers can add numerous different kinds of questions. The Easy%20Test%20Makeronly complaint that I have about this web tool is that there is no way to customize the test. It is just a plain, simple test. I did like, however, that the web tool generated an answer key. The teacher does not have to go back and create one.

TrackStar was my favorite web tool for this assignment. I love the idea of having all of the resources you need for one specific instructional lesson in one place. It is a great web tool to share information with students and other teachers. Teachers can view other teachers’ resources for a specific topic and incorporate it into their own lesson plan. Also, students can look at theirtrackstar teacher’s track for study resources. I had one issue completing this assignment. Some of the original tracks that I selected would not open in a track. It would give the link to click and go to another web page, but it could not be viewed in the track window. I had to find another resource, which worked out great! I was able to find a better video that I wanted to be published in my track.

My completed works:

Answer Key



Track Star


Intergrating the Internet into the Curriculum

The internet has been a huge part of society. For many people, it is hard to imagine a life without it. The internet is used forhttp www globe communication, entertainment, and even instruction. In this blog, I will discuss internet tools and resources that could be integrated into the curriculum.

One of the best means of communication is email, electronic mail. Among being a great way for teachers, parents, and students to communicate, it also provides for improvement of students’ writing. Tweets, 140 character post that individuals can post on their Twitter page, is mainly used for social media; however, It has been identified that there are at least 100 ways to teach through Twitter. Some examples of this includes “Twit Board”, “Time Twit”, and “Twitter Pals”. Twit Board is used to notify students about course content and other important information. Time Twit is an activity in which they create a Twitter profile for a famous person from the past. Twitter Pals is an activity where students become pen pals with someone on Twitter. Also, Bulletin Boards are message centers used for posting messages to group members who visit the bulletin board. These are also known as “discussion boards’. They are a great tool for teachers to use for content management. Blogs are interactive webpages. Discussions can be conducted among many people, but are created and managed by one individual. Blogs are a great way for teachers and students to present information they have found or learned about. It is easy for others to see and add their input. Students can reflect on coursework or course topics.

Chatrooms allow communication between two or more people. This can be done instantly, or a message can be sent and viewed by the receiver later. They are used for content management systems. Teachers can instantly help students with an issue, relay information to them, and even have a quick check in with students. Instant messages are great for the same reason. The difference is that IMs alerts a persons that someone wants to chat with them. Video conferencing is two-way communication in which the people communicating can see and hear one another. It allows for teachers to present lessons to students and interact with them without face to face interaction.

Avatar spaces foster visual literacy, motivate students to develop communication skills (mainly writing), and help teach visual design skills. Wikis can be used in classrooms by having students create their own wikis to present to the class and others, or they teacher can create their own to communicate content to the students. Podcasts, audio files, can be used to present lectures or lessons. The great thing about podcasts are the idea that they can be played back. Students can replay the podcast to study or reference. e-Portfolios can showcase students work. They can organize, revise, and store work completed in the classroom and outside of it.


Working With My Google Group

google-groupsI had a great experience with my google group. We were all able to work great together. We started working on this project immediately. This was the best decision we made. We had all group responsibilities assigned, no one was confused on what their responsibility was, and we were able to solve any issues that arose in time to submit our project.

I think the biggest issue we had was our lack of knowledge on how to use the google programs. We continuously had to use trial and error to figure out how to solve a few issues. For instance, one of my group members and I had a chat in order to figure out how to make our Topic Threads visible to the public. Another issue was confusion of the directions; however, we communicated well to make sure that clarification was made and during our chat, we made sure to ask Dr. Wang for more clarification. For example, our group asked more than three group questions; however, we only had one that was threaded. I sent an email letting everyone know that although we answered three questions, only one was threaded and two more needed to be threaded. Everyone quickly responded, and we were able to get two threaded questions up without an issue. I had a great group. Everyone participated and had input.

This was great practice for collaboration. I feel that Google Groups is a great way teachers can collaborate. One way they can use this is to create lesson plans together. One person can create the lesson plans, and the other(s) can edit it until it is the way they all want it. Another way is that the teachers can collaborate an instructional presentation where everyone can edit. Teachers may also use google programs to share gradebooks through spreadsheets. The great things about this tool is that the information can be shared instantly, it cuts back on paper use, and others can edit the documents as if it were their own.

Group E-Mail

Group Presentation

Group Story

Group Grade Book

Group Survey